About me

Everyone can present!

Hi, I’m Cathy.

My mission is to break down rigid old patterns that prevent people from speaking freely, authentically and confidently in front of others. I always say:

"Everyone can present."

The stage has always been mine.

As a teenager I was a ballet and street dancer, a little later at 22 I became an overnight presenter, successfully making my way in more than 4000 live broadcasts on TV, radio and countless stage events for almost 10 years. 

"It may sound funny when I say I'm as much an introvert as I am an extrovert. In school, my worst nightmare was having to go to the blackboard or give a presentation."

With each new stage presentation, sometimes in front of an audience of thousands, I confronted, accepted and ultimately embraced my own nervousness and anxiety over and over again to mitigate it. 

"I know exactly how people feel who are afraid to be themselves in front of others and just don't know how well presenting really goes. I've been there myself." 

My heightened sensitivity to others and sense that "there's more there" eventually led me out of the television world and into a Viennese hospice, where, after an internship, I spent 1.5 years as a volunteer caregiver for terminally ill people. 

"My years of experience in communication helped me a lot in the hospice in conversations with dying people. And vice versa." 

With a great deal of empathy and professionalism in performance, storytelling, appearance, text creation, posing in front of the camera and much more, I now share my extensive expertise to others who need to present online and offline in front of a boss, in front of colleagues, in front of a stage audience or in videos.

Hear me talk

My Bali life